The Power of Desire: Unveiling the Roots of Our Aspirations


Q:  What message do we need to hear about our own wishes and desires?


Akashic Records:  What you need to know about your own wishes and desires is they come from a place residing deep inside you. There is a heart felt acknowledgment of knowing what your truth is. As you find your truth, you start to understand that you are on a guided journey leading you down the path of affinity, meaning where you need to go at the end of this journey.


We want you to understand and know that as you're directed down this path, you must obtain wishes and desires to keep you striving for that end result.


Lisa:  My understanding is that to get to the end of the path in this lifetime, or to fulfill our journey in this specific lifetime, we have to have instigators or prods, something that pokes you to keep you going down your path.


Akashic Records:  The way we do this is to give you inklings of desires, wants, and glimpses of a life you can achieve, as well as the way to get there. These are the things we want you to be aware of so you can see there is an end result and that all of these whims are placed in your life for specific reasons.  We want you to know what those reasons are.


As you go on this journey that you call life, we call it existence. As you move through this existence of life, you begin to see there have been certain patterns in your life that have guided you or taken you in specific directions.  Where did these choices and decisions come from?  How did these opportunities appear? And what were your decisions when you came to the conclusion of these adventures?


Recognize there's a desire that's implanted within you that's meaningful and purposeful. We have created the desire to be implanted so that you will feel a need or want to do something specific, to be something specific, or to go some place specific. We want you to understand and know what all of this is about and what is transpiring in a way that gives you guidance.


The life we have given you has been created for you to transfer into the future and become more knowledgeable and available to things specifically put in your path.  This is what we call wants and desires in order for you to fulfill your path. Wants and desires are specific to each individual need. As you move forward on your journey, you'll recognize that these desires are purposeful and fall in unison. 


Lisa:  You can look at your life, reflect on how things have unfolded, and see a pattern of how things have fallen in place. For example,you could've had a specific desire you saw the result of. Then, you found another desire that had a particular result. You begin looking at how all these wants and desires created this pattern which brought you to where you are today.


Akashic Records:  At the time, these desires or truths may not always make sense, seem, or feel like they were always for good. We want you to know it's all for a purpose.   We're not talking about the mind's desire but about something deeply embedded within one's heart. You'll begin seeing when there was a fleeting fancy or something more deeply seated.  We're referring to the deep-seated wants and desires, such as communication, love, friendship, nurturance, or deep longings within you.


Lisa:  The Akashic Records say it's not about a car, making more money,or anything superficial.  It's about that deep layer of knowing.


Akashic Records:  We want to begin by focusing on friendships and the desire that might start from knowing another individual.  Is there something lying within you that instigates a conversation, or is there something in another person that draws you to them?


Lisa:  Is it a passing glance by you and another at an office who happens to walk by each other?  You may not notice them the first time, but maybe you notice them the fifth time you walk by them and decide you both need to make introductions to each other.  There are reasons and things that unfold in your life that you call a coincidence that, oftentimes, are very purposeful. What is that deep feeling you have within you that just keeps clicking, repeating, or nagging at you? That's a desire. It's more useful than just a superficial thought.  There's something inside you driving you towards that direction.


Akashic Records:  We want you to recognize that it can also pertain to a job, an opportunity, a meaning, or a purpose.  It could be something as simple as words that you hear.


Lisa:  If you hear a phrase that really resonates with you, there's a reason why you heard it, as it stirs something up within you that touches you.  That's a desire.


Akashic Records:  There are many different ways and aspects of wants and desires that you as humans look at superficially only.  Recognize the difference between superficial wants and desires and the true meaning of wants and desires. 


Q:  What happens when we fulfill the wishes or desires of others but neglect our own?


Akashic Records:  You become lost and can lose a part of yourself.  When you work to contribute to a whole other individual so they can gain their truth or desire, and yet you're sacrificing your own desire to help them, you feel lost and lose your identity because you're not standing in your own truth. You're extracting the desire that lies within you. Therefore, you can't move forward or walk in the steps needed for you to gain your own growth.


When you neglect your desires or wants and live in the shadow of another, you never gain your truth. You never gain the ability to discover who you truly are and what you truly desire because there's never a focus on you.  You end up living your life more focused on what somebody else wants or desires, and you become a "second hat." 


Lisa:  I'm seeing Gilligan's Island, with the Captain and the Second Mate.  Specifically, I'm seeing the Captain's and Second Mate's hats.  You become the Second Mate because you're never the one in charge of your own life if you continue to walk forward in the shadow of another.


Akashic Records:  As you see the desires of others and what they place upon you as their own agenda, begin to look at yourself and ask, "What is my desire? Who do I want to become? Where do I want to go?  How do I achieve this? Is there a happiness I’m lacking because I've never truly recognized what my desire is?"  Once you begin to feel honest about your own desires, will you succeed in fulfilling them, or will you step back and allow others to continue while you walk in their path and not your own? This is about creating your own identity, who you are, and what you are to become.  Are you willing to allow the chance to sacrifice yourself for another or stand in the truth of your own life?


Q:  What is the meaning of an individual's wishes?


Akashic Records:  Wishes are a desire deep within one's own heart. As you begin looking at wishes, recognize where they're coming from. Are they coming from the influence of another, such as the ego, which has created an illusion that you are competing with another's desires, or are you simply living your own truth?


Lisa:  Let's say you have a really good friend who's living their life.  They have their own desires, wants,  and needs, with a specific job and income, and live in a particular type of house.  You’re watching this and want to live like them. You want to live in their shadow and become them.  You want to have a job and an income like theirs, live in a house, and drive a car like they do.  That is a want, but it's made up in your head.  It's a head want. It's not the truth of a want.


Akashic Records:  We want you to recognize the difference. The "want" that we are describing to you in our version (not your version) is a want that is deep-seated within one's own being.  We're asking you to recognize the truth that lies within your heart.


When we seek "want" in an individual, we are asking them to look at what truly lies within their own heart. What is that true heart desire? Is that heart desire, compassion? Is it love? Is it community? Is it relationships? What is the true want? When you decipher the elements of your wants and desires, you start seeing what a real want is, a real truth, and what’s a man created truth, want, or desire.


We want you to recognize that the real truth lying within you must always be met, or else there will never be happiness. Happiness will never be gained if you can't succeed in giving yourself the wants that lie within your heart.


Q:  What happens to our soul when we fulfill the wishes or desires of others but neglect our own?


Akashic Records:  You're creating the environment for a lost soul that no longer lives in its truth but lives in the truth of another. It makes the environment for you, as a human being, to begin living your life as someone else and not as you.


Lisa:  It's that simple. You lose your identity, and you become someone else.


Q:  Are our wishes or desires necessary to fulfill?


Akashic Records:  Yes!


Lisa:  It's necessary to fulfill in a way that creates true happiness, not just emotional happiness, like what our minds perceive as happiness, but the heartfelt, core happiness.  And that's what the difference is.


Q:  Why is it important for us to know what our wishes or desires are?


Akashic Records:  To pursue the truth.  One must recognize that their heart lies in a place without acknowledgment of another.


Lisa:  They're saying that means your heart knows your own truth.  It doesn't know the truth of the individuals around you. It knows your own truth.


Akashic Records:  You become more familiar with your own heart's truth by developing a relationship with it. Begin to know and understand what it feels like to live in your heart space and what the knowledge and the knowing are of the heart.


Recognize when the mind plays specific games on the human. Step out of those thoughts and find the truth within your being, which is your heart space. It's all about you and not anyone else. It's recognizing that you must find your own truth and live that journey for yourself.


Q:  What is the purpose of giving up our wishes or desires for someone else?


Akashic Records:  There is no purpose. When you find yourself living in the shadow of another or giving up your desires or truth due to the whims or demands of another, recognize that you are doing nothing good for yourself.  It's hurtful.  The end result is that you're only damaging yourself and not helping another.  It's not your job to help another.  It's not your job to ensure they are happy and meet their needs, wishes, and desires.  It's not your job to complete wishes and desires for anyone other than yourself.  Recognize that you would never be truly happy if you did not live within your own truth. There will never be a full, complete sense of honesty or fulfillment within your own being if you never recognize who you are and work on yourself. You have to work on yourself, and that's why you're here on earth at this time.


Q:  What is the purpose of our own wishes or desires?


Akashic Records:  To create the desire to move forward for the growth needed to get the result. 

We feel an individual can have many desires and wants and can get confused easily in what the truth is and what the illusion is.  We want you to know that the illusion is simply that; it's only an illusion. It will only bring you temporary satisfaction. It will never be the truth that lasts forever.


The desire lying deep within your being and your heart space is the love that will be created for the universe to follow through on. We want you to understand that there's a difference in the desire that is so simplistic that the mind can create it. When the heart truly reveals the answers, then there'll be no other satisfaction that can be gained because it's the only truth.
