Who Do You Want To Become


Q:  Who do you want to become?


Akashic Records: There is a knowing within you that needs to be revealed at this time. When you begin to recognize who you are and what you are meant to become, you will be able to find the answers residing within you.


Q:  Is the answer within us?  If so, how do we find it?


Akashic Records:  To find yourself, you look within and search for the truth and the meaning of who you truly are. 


Lisa:  When we ask ourselves, "Who do I want to become," we tend to jump straight into our minds and think about who we want to become. We may think, "I want to become a doctor, a lawyer,or a great mother. I want to love my family unconditionally, or I want to drive a fancy car. This is who I want to become. I want to become a person with these things or someone who could live in the ideal image of perfection."


This question is not for you to look at the surface of who you are or what your mind creates, but who you are from the ego-related understanding. The question is intended for you to go deep inside and discover who you're meant to be as a spiritual being.  Do you want to become a spiritual being? Are you okay with just living on the surface with a common mind? The Akashic Records Masters are saying you should ask yourself these questions.


Akashic Records: When you begin searching within yourself and your truth, you'll find the essence of who you are and who you are meant to be. Are you meant to be a spiritual being, or are you meant to be just a human body placed upon the earth with a common mind?  Who are you? Who are you really? Who are you deep within your core? What is the meaning of life? How does this meaning affect you? Have you begun to understand the questions we're asking?


When you realize why you're placed upon this earth, the connectedness you have with the universe, and how you were placed on the earth with a specific purpose, idea, or future, then you'll begin seeing that you are much more than just what the common mind and eyes can see. When you dig down to the truth of who you are and what the existence is that you're meant to be upon this earth, you'll begin to answer the question of, "Who do I want to become?  I see who I’m truly intended to be.”


Akashic Records:  Do you want to live in the simple mind, or do you want to create the illusion of truth?


Lisa:  I'm inquiring about that question because "illusion of truth" doesn't make sense to me.


Akashic Records:  When you live in the common mind, you have the idea of the truth through the eyes of others, meaning you believe the truth is what somebody told you or taught you, so it becomes the truth and the belief. Usually, those belief systems come from another individual. So that's the illusion of truth. We want you to know this is what living in the common mind is like. When you recognize that it is the untruth or the falsities, you begin to understand that the truth truly lies within you. When you start asking what that truth is,and it's no longer an illusion, then you begin seeing what the truth is. And what the truth is and who you are meant to be is the soul upon the earth. It's the existence of the being that resides within you, not what you exist in on the surface.  As you become more fluent in understanding what truly is, you will know this is who you are meant to be.


Find your soul. Find your heart. Find the true compassion lying within you. As you find these things and these ideals,you'll recognize that your mind fades, and the belief system created for you to believe in your human mind is no longer relevant. The truth of the existence that you are truly meant to be and live in is from the heart and not what the mind has created. This is who we want you to be.


The true illusion of what you thought yourself to be is not the illusion you're intended to be. Who you're truly meant to be is to see with clarity and understanding what your heart and soul require to live within your true being. This is what we want you to know at this time.
