Understanding Love: Insights from the Akashic Records


What is love?  Love is the greatest achievement of mankind.  It is the source of the purest and highest frequency that exists. We want you to know that love focuses on the heart, then transfers to the mind. When the heart loves, it shifts and changes all that resides within the human body. When we talk about love, we talk about “all that is," all that is in existence, and all that is coordinated and tied together from the earth throughout the universe. Love is the connection of all individuals and all that is.  As we repeat this notion, we ask you to look within and find what your heart says to you. And when you look inside yourself, you will see that as you find love, you find less judgment, less interference, less fear, less hatred, less anger, and less control.  While sitting within oneself, you reside within the purest form of love.  You find all is at peace, all is forgiven, and all is well.

The definition of love for all is the love for all that exists; this includes the heart, which resides in all living beings and animals. The love that goes beyond humans and animals exists within the earth and all that live upon it, such as the flowers, the trees, the grass, the sky, the sun, the moon, the atmosphere, and the air we breathe. Why were the sun and the moon mentioned? The sun and the moon coordinate the existence of all things upon this earth.  As the sunlight creates life, the moon creates the cycles, and it works in synchronicity. The love for ALL is created when humans begin to recognize that all coexist as ONE.  As you understand, one relies upon another. The existence of humans is a coordinating factor.  We want you to understand all that is in existence is functioning due to another.  This is what we want you to know at this time.
