Lives will benefit from the understanding of the information that is provided through the spirit that is held within the space. As you move forward in your life, you will recognize there are many falsities, falsehoods or misperceptions that have taken place within your own mind. And as your mind has created scenarios of untruths, the actions follow. And as you follow those actions, you are misled down a path that is no longer good or true for you. What we would like for you to know is there is much more to be offered than just the belief of the mind. As you move forward, you can find the truth within your own being as your Akashic Records, or the Records as we call them, hold the truth to all that is. As you ask the questions specifically relating to an event in your life, you will receive the information in a way you do not understand at this time. However, soon you will see the information provided is what was created for the experience to transpire in your life and in your way of being, to help cell growth (referring to your cells that hold the memories). The cells within you hold the memory of what the actual truth is. It does not have anything to do with the spiritual understanding, it is just simply the truth. It is what was created for you to experience and it is the truth, not the beliefs that the mind created.
Lisa steps in and offers explanation of what the Masters of the Records are saying… “The memories get to the Akashic Records through little molecules. When an event happens or transpires, that subject is relayed and embedded in the memory going up to the Universe. This is what they were referring to earlier as the cell or the memory of the cell. It’s this little thing I’m calling a molecule. That’s my word, not theirs! The truth of what happened, what the soul was supposed to experience, or what the human actually experienced goes into what they are now calling a memory bank. It goes into that memory bank and up into the Akashic Record field and held in that field.” Lisa begins channeling the words of the Akashic Record Masters again…
When you become ready to have the truth revealed to you, you can tap into that specific memory and you will see the truth that lies within. This is what is being revealed to you. What we want you as humans to understand is your interpretation or twisting of the truth is simply the mind’s reaction to an event. What we know is what the true spiritual meaning is, what that meaning of the event was that took place, how it took place, and what was in it for your own growth for you to be able to move forward in a new way or a new path.
We want you to know that by being able to tap into your specific memory and your specific knowledge, the truth can be revealed to you in a way you do not currently understand, because you are receiving and interpreting the information from the common mind. What we want revealed to you is the truth, and what that actually is. As you interpret your own consciousness that is connected to the universe, you can tap into what is yours… what is your knowledge, what is your meaning and what is your purpose, in order to recognize events that have transpired, leading you down the path you are to go. This is what we want you to know. We want all individuals to be able to see there is much more than what is the simplicity of their common mind and how the mind has interpreted events that have taken place. We want all humans to understand that the Akashic Records hold all truths, and you can simply tap into that information to become who you are truly meant to be and who you areas a human. This is what we want you to know. It is our plea to you to be able to gain an understanding that there is so much more than what humans have created and have existed in for thousands and thousands of years and centuries. This is truth and it is no longer the truth. The truth is being revealed to you on a daily basis as you are getting constant messages and bombardments of Universal Consciousness tapping at you in order to discover what is the truth. And this is what we want for you.
There is a person knocking at the door and saying, “Are you there, are you there?” We want you to know what is here for you. We want you to walk through this door. We are pounding the door down, for you to understand there is so much more than what your mind perceives, and that it is a falsehood. It is not always true. We are creating the environment for the openings of doors as this shift is occurring within the vibration of the universe.
The air, vibration and resonance are all changing. And everything changing upon the earth and what you are existing in, is helping raise your vibrational level and consciousness. This allows you to be able to tap into what is held for you in the universe, what the truth is, and who you truly are. This is what we want for you.