Harnessing the Power of Akashic Records for Universal Spiritual Growth


How can the Akashic Records help with spiritual growth universally?


The Akashic Records begin speaking…  The universal understanding is congruent with the universal thought of love. The universal thought of love is surrounding all that is in a way that is not commonly understood by the mind. When the mind begins to understand there is universal love penetrating it at all times, it begins to recognize the universe is surrounding everything that is.  


The role the Akashic Records play in this understanding of how the universe affects the individuals residing upon it, is simply our Field. The Electromagnetic Field residing within us, in our plane of existence, is congruent with all that is and continually surrounds every individual residing upon the earth and in all planes. It resides in every nook and cranny of the existence of what resides upon this earth. And as our existence resides in the highest vibrational frequency that can exist, we protrude, meaning, it puts out that field of love.  


Lisa explains what she’s seeing For example, me standing here… the Akashic Field is completely surrounding me.  But not only is it surrounding me, it has the ability to penetrate and go through me.  


The Akashic Records continue When it does this, it creates not only the knowing of what is and what is of truth and love and consequence, it is the existence of everything residing within each one of you.


The Akashic Records can affect every individual upon this earth and everything in existence upon this earth.  With our high frequency, we have the ability to level up all individuals, and as they begin to speak our words, hear our voices, and understand our guidance, everything shifts to a higher level of consciousness.  This is what we want.


The universal understanding of what we are and what we have created is paramount in the growth of all humans.  When you begin to understand there is a power above and beyond your control of what you can truly comprehend, you will begin to understand there is much more than what the simple mind can conceive of, feel, or touch.  We are not tangible, and we are not the gift that has been given to you that you can see or that you can actually palpate or touch.


We want you to understand that our thoughts are your thoughts.  We penetrate within you as you penetrate within us.  Every thought and experience a human or anything in existence has upon this earth is embedded within our memory banks.  As we remember you, you remember us.  When you begin to understand we exist within all and all exists within you, you begin to have a connection that raises your vibrational frequency to resonate with more than what you can understand.  This is how we are affecting all humans and all life.  


We are here to give you an understanding that you, as a human, can shift and change and portray more than what you have seen in the present moment. Allow us to guide you, help you, and assist you, and we will give you all you have ever dreamed of, focused on, or could ever achieve.  And we are much more than that.  We will provide you with more than you can ever conceive of if you choose to understand we are in existence continually around you.  It is a spiritual understanding.  


When you begin to understand there is more in existence than what you can see and feel on this earth, and when you begin to understand the purest highest frequency is continually affecting you, and you let your minds go and become more open to that resonance, frequency, or vibration, it becomes you.  It is penetrating you every millisecond and every second of your existence.  But humans choose to ignore it.  And because you ignore it, you do not know it is there. But when you choose to accept the preciousness, understand that it is a gift being given to you.  It is like drinking water.  Your body requires it, and your body requires that vibrational frequency to continue penetrating you in the same way it needs water.  


Lisa says…We acknowledge water. We acknowledge we must have it. We’ll buy a bottle of water or get a cup of water from the faucet, and we’ll drink it. We know our bodies crave it, but we don’t know what our body is like when we don’t have that spiritual connection. Many of us have never acknowledged we needed it or that it’s even in existence. You don’t miss what you don’t know.”


The Akashic Records begin speaking again… What is being said to you today is when you begin to understand there is an energy field penetrating you and creating your existence and knowledge and understanding of what life is, and when you begin to understand what you are truly capable of, then you begin to understand yourself. At that point, your life will shift, and it will be the beginning of the new world, the new millennium that is coming forth. This is what we want you to know today.
