How Self-Love Fuels Inner Healing


Q:  What is the role of self-love when attempting inner healing?


Akashic Records: Self-love is a mandatory basis for humans to see the truth of who they are.  When we want you to recognize the significance of oneself, you must realize that you are to go inward and see the connection between the heart and the soul. The soul's existence within the human body is of magnificent value. Humans have the ability to recognize that this is an interconnectedness that they have with all things.


The human mind has created chaos, a misbelief, or a disbelief that the connection of the universe resides within their physical being.  We want you to understand that when the human doesn't recognize that they are the purest form of love, they have chaos and disruption within their everyday life.


The significance of loving oneself is of the utmost importance as humans have created the idea or the belief that they are less than or less grand than another. We want you to understand that the ability to see the truth of who you are as a human being is a mandatory process to shift consciousness and move into the next realm of understanding.


We want you all to know that the individuals who walk upon the earth are exactly as they are meant to be. Regardless of what you believe about yourself, youractions, or duties you have done, understand that there's significant value for the soul's knowledge and wisdom to come forward. We want you to realize that circumstances and situations have been implemented in everyone's lives so that they can see who they are.


As a human being reflects upon their life and chooses to move in different directions, the form of love that lies within them will come forward.  The ability to love oneself is of significant value. This is a mandatory trait that all humans must begin to understand and grasp onto. 


Lisa: It's important for everyone to understand that our self-perception is often shaped by our life circumstances, the way people have spoken to us or treated us, and the societal norms we are surrounded by. These factors can lead us to feel inferior in various situations.  We may have said or done something that hurt someone, leading to regret and self-criticism.  We also internalize the words and perceptions of others, which can make us feel small and insignificant.


There are several situations that we humans go through that we regret and make us feel insignificant, filled with self-hatred, or feel we should have done this differently or not done it all.  We tend to forget that we're on a path and have been given this life and this human body for the soul's existence within us.  We tend to separate ourselves from our soul's existence. What we're here to do as human beings is to grow in a way that we can find our own self-love.  When we can love ourselves, then we can love all. That's a factor that we forget or haven't ever been taught.


So what the Records Masters are saying to us is that we can perceive that we've acted incorrectly or that we're not good. We can perceive that we're failures,but the universe and your soul know you're on the right path and exactly where you're meant to be.  It also creates the opportunity for self-forgiveness and seeing ourselves more universally, not just this physical presence and how people perceive us. We can work through any of those belief systems that make us feel less than.  It's our duty to do that in this particular lifetime,especially so that we can move forward into a life of self-love and understanding that if we love ourselves in the fullest capacity, we will love others in the same way.  This is what is of great significance at this time.

