Finding Your Inner Light: How the Akashic Records Can Guide You


To see the light within you, you connect with your soul.  Your soul is on a continual basis of growth, and moving forward, you are becoming more connected with the soul than what you previously knew.  We are creating a new connection for you with the Universal Consciousness which you have not known before.   And in order to become more connected with the light residing within your soul, we are opening communication channels with all that exist, so the Creator and the Guides can create a universe where there is a full and complete connection of all.  


The mind questions what the truth is on a continual basis.  What we want you to recognize is, as you become more familiar with God’s light, God will create an open connection that receives the understanding of how the human belongs to the soul, not the soul belonging to the human.  We also want you to know the soul is opening communication and unlocking barriers that humans have not known previously.  


We are shedding the barriers for you to become more familiar with what resides within the Universe, and what your soul has been created to do. It is important for you to recognize your soul is your guidance as it is the only barrier that blocks you from divine knowledge.  What we are saying is your connection with the soul has been blocked by memories of the past.  For all those who choose to do so, we are giving you and creating for you opportunities to release blockages and to become more familiar with who you truly are.  


At this time, it is hard to understand what has been created.  You will soon see you are feeling more connected to God as the Creator, to the earth below you, and to all that surrounds you. This will be a feeling that comes to more and more human beings as they reside upon this earth for longer periods of time.  


What we are saying is, as the days go on you are going to start feeling a newer connection residing within your heart that is unfamiliar to you.  You have not experienced this before because you have not known the connection you truly have within your soul.


(Lisa steps in and explains what the Masters of the Akashic Records are saying…) This is what’s being revealed to us. I had a big influx of emotions, and what I’m feeling is an excitement, an excitement that the universe is saying, “They are going to get this!”  We as humans are going to understand that our souls reside within our human body, and our human body has forgotten this. This is what the gift is that is being given to us. The universe is breaking the barrier that’s preventing our mind to understand we have a soul residing within us. We’ve been told this before, but we’ve never been truly connected to what that is.  What’s happening with all the chaos and all that’s shifting and changing, and the turmoil that has been created that resides in each person, is allowing these blockages to break free.   As we confront fear, anguish and knowing, we start searching for answers. As we start searching for answers, we tend to go inside.  As we go inside, we search for us and for truth, and this is what is occurring at this time.  As we go on, the longer we’re on this earth, which literally means every day, you know that tomorrow is going to be a new day for me and a new day for you.  The longer we go on, the more truth we’re going to find in understanding that our soul resides within us.  We truly have been created to answer to the soul.  The soul doesn’t answer to the human.  This is where we were talking about our mind creating our actions, our beliefs, our truths.  As we go through this, the mind is going to shed those thoughts and those beliefs and become more connected with the soul. This is how we are going to be moving forward.  


(Lisa begins channeling the words of the Akashic Record Masters again…).  This is what is being created at this time. In the days to come, we are revealing to you what the truth is.  And as we move forward with you, you will move forward with us.

