How Do The Stars' Patterns And Locations Affect Us


Q:  How do the stars' patterns and locations affect humans? 

Akashic Records:  The stars and planets create a gravitational flow, causing a congruency within all that is.  As the essence of the universe and the frequency existing between each planet and each star begin to align in a specific way, it creates certain events that happen in a way that makes the human consciousness resonate at the same frequency that resonates with the stars. When you ask this question, it is an iffy answer because not all human beings can react the same way. However, we want you to know that the resonance of the frequency affects the human body. 

Lisa: The Records Masters are showing me how planets and stars line up to create energetic flows or vibrations between each planet. It creates an energetic flow that surrounds the earth. Because of how we're made as humans, our resonance or frequency begins to resonate with the same vibrational frequency surrounding us.

Akashic Records:  When this happens, it creates specific actions and behaviors within the human realm that have been created due to this energetic frequency.  This is what we want you to know. 

Lisa: When we talk about astrology and how the planets are in a specific location and lined up in a certain way, that alignment creates an energetic vibration. When that vibrational flow circles the atmosphere, then that natural frequency within every human begins to resonate or balance with that energetic vibration produced in the universe. The Akashic Records are saying if it's a higher frequency or a higher vibration, and it starts to resonate with human nature, it can make you feel jittery or anxious and cause you to do certain things.

They're laughing and saying, you know the story of the full moon… when all the unbalanced people come out when the moon is full!  This is because that frequency of energy affects human nature.  Seeing something like an eclipse or a specific alignment of all the stars creates different emotions within us because it creates different vibrations.  One vibration may be a little bit faster, and one may be a little bit slower.  They're saying how this happens is not hocus pocus or magic.  It is truly the alignment of the universe creating certain behaviors in people.

Q: When we're born at a specific date and time, and the planets are in a particular order, is it true that the specific order tends to govern us throughout our lifetime on Earth?

Akashic Records:  It does, and the recognition you need to know is that it actually sets the frequency inside the individual to align in a specific way.

Lisa:  At the moment of our birth, the universe arranges itself in a unique formation, and a distinct frequency resonates, shaping our personal vibration.  The Akashic Records say our frequency is like the 'on' switch in our human existence, a testament to our special connection with the universe.

Akashic Records:  It sets that frequency within the human from the moment you are born.  It is actually the moment you take your first breath.  When you breathe in, it activates a specific resonance that resides within the human. 

Lisa:  I'm seeing and feeling lungs filling up and the blood flowing slightly differently.  The Akashic Records Masters say it makes you more independent.  When you were in the womb, you were relying on that aid to breathe and to form from the mother. But the second you are born and take that first breath, it's like the"on" button or the "Staples Big Red Button" that you push!  The universe pushes that button when you take that first breath.  And when you take that first breath, the energy frequency in the universe at that time is breathed in.  It sparks all the cells, which sets the frequency within you.  And at that point, you begin to recognize and resonate with the universe and Universal Consciousness.

Akashic Records:  We're talking specifically about vibrations and frequencies, and you can align the pattern with birthdates, times, and locations.  The gravitational pull at that time creates your frequency.
