Healing Ancestral Trauma Through the Akashic Records


Q:  What is ancestral trauma?


Akashic Records:  Ancestral trauma is the trauma one's lineage has endured through lifetimes.  We want you to understand that the term "ancestor" is of two different natures.  Recognize that the specific belief system of one's relative family is what we will refer to in this particular conversation. The family or the lineage of parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, and so on in the human form is what we are referring to.


The human nature has been a disastrous one. There have been numerous times that humans have been inflicted with pain, control, and sorrow. We want you to understand how human nature has been passed down through the generations. Since the beginning of time, human factors and human trauma have been passed down from generation to generation. We want you to recognize how significant this is.  If you simply look at the path of a specific lineage or family lineage, you'll begin to recognize that you can go back through time and history and see how many different forms of abuse have happened through the generations.


Lisa:  The Akashic Records are going back centuries and showing me Roman times and the way people were treated, specifically enslaved people during the Roman years. I’m being shown an emperor or Julius Caesar.  Someone on that level would be educated, have money, or be born into society.  It’s that kind of person who would have been the perpetrators of abuse on those who served them or were beneath them in some way.


Akashic Records:  We want you to understand that specific family lineage that can be and needs to be cleared is that of an abusive nature.


Lisa:  Let's go back to the Roman times and look at slavery and all the different things that happened centuries ago.  Perhaps there was a person who endured brutality for themselves and their families.  Specifically, they were captured and treated as an enslaved person that was beaten, mistreated, and starved to death.  Now, let's start following the pattern of that individual and others who lived in those specific circumstances.  Think about the energetic pattern that's held within that abused enslaved person.  They shared their feelings and emotions with their families. So their emotions or the energetic pattern of abuse is going to be passed down to their children, regardless of how well they tried to hide it.  We have to remember that back then, it was hard to go from being a slave to being an emperor.  So you can see how that energy penetrated the child.  That particular type of fear-based energy is a feeling of betrayal and abuse that's going to stay within that child and go to the next person as that child grows up.  They will put their energy and belief systems into their child. And so this gets passed down from generation to generation to generation. And this is what the guides are referring to as the ancestral lineage.


Akashic Records:  We want you to understand that as these energetic patterns are passed down from generation to generation, you'll begin to recognize how harmful these thoughts and ideas can be. If you can see how specific belief systems or points of view of how individuals are seen or will be seen, then you can understand how this generational lineage of abuse can be passed down and continue to affect the individual who is walking on the earth today.


Q:  How can the Akashic Records assist in healing the ancestral trauma?


Akashic Records:  The ancestral trauma is embedded within every human being, although it may not be specifically income-based.  Recognize that is just one example.  


Lisa:  They're saying "income-base" because they're referring to the example of an emperor and an enslaved person because it's extreme enough for us to know about and understand.  They're also showing me that it may be somebody who was very wealthy and abused their children.  It could be a situation that I'm the child of the emperor, who sexually assaulted me on a regular basis.  So, it's not necessarily the idea that it's the separation of wealth. It's just the situation within each individual and their particular family. 


Akashic Records:  We want you to know that the Akashic Records have the ability to show each individual where their ancestral trauma began, how it evolved, and how it can be remedied.


The individuals walking upon the earth at this particular time can heal the ancestral lineage if they choose to do so.  It begins with their thoughts and ideas of what they're experiencing so that they can allow themselves to be set free of the energetic patterns embedded within them.  We can show you how to release the trauma. We want you to see what specific situation is occurring in your life that has been inherited or passed down to you on an energetic level. When you begin to see the physical outcome of these energetic patterns, you'll start to recognize how to move through them and continue your process of letting them go so that the ancestral and lineage history can be dissolved.


Q:  What can one do to heal ancestral trauma?


Akashic Records: Begin to recognize the patterns. When one is dealing with a specific situation or idea in one's current life, it is up to the individual to recognize how these patterns have been passed down from mother to daughter, grandmother to daughter, and so forth.


Lisa:  A lot of people are familiar with abuse, specifically a female being abused by a man.  This is something that's, unfortunately, more common than what we would like to be aware of.

Akashic Records:  Recognize how generations of abuse could have started many, many generations ago, like with a great, great, great grandmother.  Look at the situation of how men treated that woman, and you'll begin to recognize that she passed that understanding to her daughter.  Her daughter then lived within her mother's shadow and the acceptable ideas and thoughts at that particular time.


Lisa:  In the late 1800s, there was a specific belief system that men were the power of the family and they had control over the women.  Women didn't have any rights and were not allowed to take care of their finances, make their own choices, or work outside the home.  They were explicitly meant to have children and take care of the household.  And even though these sound like they were just the signs of the times, the energy of those thoughts and ideas have been passed down.  The father passed the concept of the man's role and always having to be in control down to his sons. The woman's ideas of how women are supposed to be were passed down to her daughters.


Look at those simple belief systems. You can go from the late 1800s, when women had very few rights and couldn't even vote, to the early 1920s, when women were not supposed to smoke or were prohibited from wearing specific clothing. Then you jump to women's roles in the 1950s when women couldn't serve on a jury or get a credit card without their husbands' signatures.  Again, look at these patterns where men and women played specific roles.  If it were a situation where a woman had lived through different generations of physical abuse from a male partner, then for those women who had gone through that,often they would say, this is the way it is and would accept it.


So, it's a generational pattern passed down from generation to generation to generation. This is our ancestral lineage. And then you get to the point today where your mother may have specific actions or reactions or be continually in abusive relationships with men. You can observe that. If you start looking back, what was her mother's life like? What was her mother's life like? From where you are today, you can trace these behaviors that you may be witnessing or experiencing yourself to understand that these situations are coming up because it's time to break these patterns.


Akashic Records:  Humans are put in situations to break these patterns so that the energetic systems tied to those of a heavy, dark nature will be alleviated from this earth's existence. We're asking all of you to recognize how you are carrying on those family lineages or ancestral traits that can be eliminated from the earth.


Not only are these patterns that can be broken within you, but also patterns that can be broken within societies. Understand the significance of this. If you can truly see who you are and how you've been tied or connected to specific energetic patterns and behaviors and choose to break these patterns and behaviors, then you'll begin to recognize that not only are you dissipating the energetic patterns from your family's lineage, but you're also creating a different environment as far as society is concerned, as that specific energy pattern is lessened to allow pure, loving light to come in to replace it.
