How to Find Spiritual Guidance: Trust Your Body’s Signals


Q:  How can an individual become aware of their spiritual guidance?


The Akashic Records begin speaking…


They find it within their own being.  As they begin to move forward on their path of existence, they will begin to feel shifts and changes occurring within themselves as they feel there is a voice speaking to them.

This is what we want you to recognize at this time.  When individuals hear voices in their head, they do not always realize it is simply their mind speaking.  As you move forward into the future and begin to recognize many voices are serving as guidance, these voices typically come from the part of the body not related to the mind. There is usually a cohesion between the heart-space, and something being said.


Lisa says… They are laughing and saying, “Have you ever heard of “that feeling”?  Have you ever heard that something just doesn’t feel right within your body, that there’s something that’s just off?  Your mind tells you it doesn’t mean anything and to go ahead and move forward and do whatever your mind is telling you to do.”


The Akashic Records begin speaking again… We want you to recognize that in these moments of self-doubt, you no longer need to move forward with the thoughts in your mind when you know there is a truth that exists within your whole being. This is a very simplistic definition of knowing when it is your voice speaking and when it is your mind speaking. We want your voice to contain the existence of your life. 


We want you to understand there is an existence of knowledge within you that has the answers as needed.  We are explaining that every human existing upon the earth has a heart-felt notion.  As this notion becomes stronger and stronger, guidance is given to the human to override the mind’s thoughts.  We want you to recognize that your mind is the cause of chaos.  The mind creates the conflict, which is not the truth of existence and is false.  Your mind gives you the guidance that you see fit to follow, which may not always be the path of least resistance.  


There are a multitude of answers lying within one’s being if one chooses to hear.  We are asking you to recognize there is a general shift in the body or in your sense of “knowing” when there is no panic in the mind.  As you move forward in the days to come, you will recognize when a decision needs to be made or a reaction to be had. There is a wave of heaviness lying within your head.  It is all in your mind.  It is as if your mind will explode.  When you begin to recognize the thoughts are too frequent, you can lie within your own being and feel the subtle shifts and changes that lie within you, and you will hear the words speaking to you from your chest area, which is your heart and your soul.  As the soul speaks to you quietly, you will begin to learn to listen.  This is what we want for you.  


There are choices made that can lead you off your path or down your path.  We like for you to travel down your path with as few obstacles as possible, and it is what we want for you.  Recognize that in your everyday existence of life, you are constantly bombarded with information, whether it is words the ears hear when someone is talking or chatting to you or if it is the words being spoken within you.  What we want you to do as humans is to begin recognizing there is a difference.  There is a difference in the outcome.


Lisa says… “I’m going to give you an example. Let’s say I had a situation I needed to resolve, and I have a past history with it, so I have a belief of how it should be resolved. Then I have a friend who is also telling me how I should resolve this issue. Now, my mind is in it from my past experiences and from someone telling me how to resolve this issue. But you begin to feel there is something within your chest, saying, “I’m not so sure about that answer. I’m not sure if that’s the route you should go.” But you choose to ignore that because your mind knows better. That is not standing in your guidance.  


The Akashic Records begin speaking again …We want you to recognize your guidance is always within you. If you lie quietly, you will hear with more than just your ears and listen with more than just your mind. You will become aware of how your body shifts and changes and the feeling of these shifts and changes. And you will become one with what the truth is and what we are guiding you to do. This is just an example of the life that is to come, as there are many shifts and changes occurring upon the earth at this time. We are setting you free to be ready to experience the guidance in full force. This is what we want you to be prepared for.  


Lisa says… “This is a training tool. What they want us todo is to get ready to become more comfortable with not listening to our mind so much and start listening to our body. As we listen to our body, we become more aware that our mind is becoming clearer, and we can see things more clearly. And the answers are going to begin flowing to us. This is the beginning stage of where we’re going.  
