How can one release fear?
As you are moving forward and recognizing that something does not feel quite right, you are recognizing you are finding yourself searching for fear. (Lisa steps in and offers explanation of what the Akashic Records are saying). “When the applecart gets turned over (a term the Akashic Records are using) we get distraught. Our normal reaction to something getting turned upside down that’s not following our normal pattern is to get discombobulated. We say to ourselves, “Okay this isn’t my normal”, so, I’m supposed to be afraid of what’s being put in front of me. Because of the turmoil we’re all going through at this time, basically all our applecart’s have been turned upside down. Our common and normal reaction to this is fear. Our daily routines have been turned upside down to a place where it’s uncomfortable. We as humans choose one answer, and it is always fear. It is always the fear of change. It is always the fear of something different. Our immediate animal instinct is to just go into fear mode.”
Lisa begins channeling the words of the Akashic Records again… What is being presented to you at this time is when you really look at the situation involving you, look at how the applecart has been disrupted. If you choose to relieve your mind of the anguish and begin looking at all the possibilities due to the changes in your life, what will become? What will change? Is change always a bad thing? How many times in your life have you had something change that you were comfortable with or that was a routine, and suddenly something changes? This is not the first time in your life something has become different. In this particular situation, the difference is there are so many people going through it at the same time. It is creating a kinetic energy that is creating fear in all. And in the mind, this creates the situation of interpreting what all others are fearing. Lisa steps in and offers an example of what the Akashic Records are saying… “It’s almost like a chain reaction, like a row of dominoes. If one domino falls, they all fall. If one person is in fear, then everyone next to them is going to be in fear, having the same reaction or same emotions.” When this happens, are you as an individual going to step out? It’s almost like pulling a domino out of that row. Are you going to be the domino that steps out of that routine, allowing the other dominoes to fall while you’re still standing? What is your choice? You can choose to stand, or you can choose to fall. It is all part of the mind.”
Lisa begins channeling the words of the Akashic Records again… What the mind creates is not always the truth. What we want you to understand is fear is a belief. It is a situation that has been created within ones being that is not always the truth. Once again, we recognize this is a chaotic time for all humans upon this earth, however, if you sit back, stand still, and really look at oneself and evaluate your own situation, what is the change and why are you afraid? If you choose to evaluate what the fear is, how can you remedy it? Is it the same pattern? Is it the same thing you have been doing? Lisa steps in and offers explanation on what the Akashic Records are saying… “And again, they are going back to past situations that happened in your life when changes occurred. How many times when change occurred did it lead to something better, but you wanted to stay in the situation because it was comfortable? Because you’re comfortable with it, you can’t see any possibility of things getting better. We can all say we’ve been through this. We’ve all had scenarios where we were comfortable in the situation and then the applecart got turned over and we panic. This is no different.” Lisa is now speaking on her own behalf… “I can say for myself I’ve had this happen and the outcome has always been better. But because I was in the situation, I couldn’t see past my belief. My belief was, this is my only option, the only way I can see something. I can’t see anything any different.”
Lisa begins channeling the words of the Akashic Records again…What we are creating for you is new vision. We are allowing you to see with different eyes. We are allowing you to change your vision into something better and something grander. So why is there fear? You determine that. You determine what the answer is to this question.
How can one see the benefit of fear?
Fear is nothing but an illusion. It is an illusion of a grandiose idea that there is a better solution than what is. Fear can be seen as an outlay to the future. Simply stated, the obstacle is causing the fear. How do you determine what the obstacle is?
The obstacle is what has been created to take you off your path. It is what is causing the detour. The reason why you choose to become fearful of an obstacle is that the mind created it to become uncomfortable and fearful so that you would go around it. When you begin to see the obstacle is only an illusion of what the mind created, you can walk thru it easily.
Fear is based on a belief that creates the expectations of the outcome. Once an individual recognizes fear is simply an obstacle in getting to the other side, it helps to become more understanding of what has been created to impede your growth. If you stay stagnant and do not allow the obstacles and the fear to arise, you will not allow yourself to move forward with strength and break patterns of the past. Fear simplifies your path.