Connect to and Form a Relationship with the Akashic Records


The question of who the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones are and where they reside has been a timeless question. These exquisite Beings are part of the infinite field of the Akashic Records. They are also part of a larger vibrational field, which is known as the Akasha. You are threads of that same field as well; however, you are contained in a denser vibration. Human Beings design labels in order to have a reference point in the physical. The above definition helps move us away from labels into expansiveness. The Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones are indefinable in the language of humans.

The Akashic Records permeate the essence of each individual into the deepest layers of our being. The Lords of the Akashic Records oversee the greater field which includes all individual fields. As a magnificent elegant presence, they focus on the vaster realms that go beyond our personal range. They are ever vigilant of our well being.

The Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones are Emissaries of the Divine, working as elevated messengers of our heart calling. They are our Divine support system. Highly evolved, they are nameless because it is not necessary in the realm of their energetic structure. Their quality of unconditional love is so refined, that no matter where one is, they meet you where you are. They are overseers who are always present when anything or anyone is connecting to the Akashic Records. Part of the consciousness that grows within you is the recognition that there are Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones. They share the knowledge of who you are through all depths coming from the profound vibrations of the Akashic Record field.

By forming a relationship with the Masters, Teachers and Loved Ones, you are able to search beyond what is known to you. This opens you to discover and grow, giving you a personal knowledge of how you are the larger Divine Self. You are in a relationship with a field of energy that includes many levels of consciousness. These levels go far beyond that which is within you, yet includes all that is within you.

The nature of your relationship with the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones begins with the integration of your willingness to receive. This is a a receiving with the understanding that your expansiveness may be beyond your perception. Working with the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones is like working with friends. Openness to, allowing dialogue with, expanding your experience with ones you trust, and doing your own personal work will support your expansion and development of the process.

When we first begin to receive information from the Akashic Records, we are forming a loving relationship with our Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones. The more we use this tool, the more confidence we gain. There are no limits to this dynamic relationship. We may ask all things of the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones: support, clarity, to be uplifted, removal of resistance, etc. We may choose to focus on specific areas in our life. They always work for the highest good and are not allowed to impose on our consciousness. If we don't ask, the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones may not volunteer information. It is the dialogue that expands our consciousness to what is available to us. You will develop the oneness and the awareness of the inner connection that truly exists.
