Akashic Records and Cosmic Consciousness Connection


It is all that is.  The universe is the knowledge of all that is, and as that knowledge is permeated through the existence of the Akasha Field, this is where all knowledge is stored.  What we want you to know is the human connectedness with Universal Consciousness is the mechanics.  The Universal Consciousness is what allows everything to function.  It allows the grass to grow, the sun to shine, and humans to walk upon the earth. The consciousness puts it all in motion and causes all to exist, and to exist within harmony.

The human consciousness also allows everything to work in synchronicity.  It is the tie between the universe, the human, and all the synchronicities. Everything flowing automatically, without effort, is part of the Universal Consciousness.  It is the flow of everything that is created within the human body including blood flowing, cells flowing and the beating of the heart. This is how the human resides within the human, or within the Universal Consciousness. The Universal Consciousness knows all and implements all.  It implements how everything flows and how everything exists, not just on earth and with humans, but throughout everything.  

The human consciousness ties into the Universal Consciousness for humans to function as humans.  Blood flowing, hearts beating and breathing air are all part of being connected to Universal Consciousness, which makes you function. This is where it ties in and is part of the connection with the Universal Consciousness. When your human consciousness becomes more aware, more open, and more knowledgeable, you begin to understand how everything functions, how it is tied together and how it all flows motionless and selfless.  As humans’ function as part of the Universal Consciousness, the flow is created, and it requires no effort in getting everything to flow continually. There are no gates or levers that must be pushed or opened for the flow to happen.  It just flows.  It is the mechanics of the universe.  The Universal Consciousness puts the mechanics together and humans are a product of the mechanics.  

Universal Consciousness is not the same as the Akashic Records.  The Akashic Records are a storage space.  It is a storage space for all that is and is where all knowledge goes.  It is not the mechanics.  The Akashic Records hold all information on how the universe works, how everything flows, how everything is created, and how the mechanic’s work.  It holds all the information, but it is not part of the Universal Consciousness.
